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Slave Status

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Slave Status Empty Slave Status

Post by Guest Sat May 04, 2013 9:38 pm

The next element is the status of the girl's Virginity
Obviously there can only be two types here: virgins or non virgins.
Glana (the white silk) virgins:
The only true 'tag' to a slave that is placed upon her to restrict how she is to be used is in reference to her virginity. The 'glana', or virgin, will be marked as such to warn those tempted to taste this one's flesh, that she has not yet been used by her Master.

The expression 'white silk' applies to the virgin slave, though it is unlikely that she wears silks of white. It is not unusual that the owner of such a girl will reserve first use to Himself. Similarly, a girl who is new to a chain may find a bit of white silk knotted to her collar even though she is not virgin. This is done when the Master decides that He will first 'taste' His new girl before He will let her be used by others. In the camp of Rask of Treve, E-li-nor was so 'tagged', whether she was indeed virgin or not is unclear. When, after the feast at which all slaves, dressed in pleasure silks, were made to serve and dance, she was summoned to the tent of Rask of Treve. He reached to pull the small white ribbon from her collar, explaining to her that He had had it placed there so that He could have her first. Once the 'sampling" has taken place, the girl will never again wear the white silk as a tag.

"To be sure," I said, "' white' in the context of 'white-silk girl' tends less to suggest purity and innocence to the Gorean than ignorance, naivety, and a lack of experience. 'Red,' in the context of 'red silk girl,' on the other hand, connotes rather clearly, I think, experience. One expects a red-silk girl, for example, to not only be able to find her way about the furs, but, subject to the whip, owned and dominated, perhaps chained, to prove herself a sensuous treasure within them."
~ Savages of Gor, 13:205
Falarina (the red silk) non-virgins

..Similarly, the expression 'red-silk,' in Gorean, tends to be used as a category in slaving, and also, outside of the slaving context, as an expression in vulgar discourse, indicating that the woman is no longer a virgin, or, as the Goreans say, at least vulgarly of slaves, that her body has been opened by men. Its contrasting term is 'white-silk,' usually used of slaves who are still virgins, or, equivalently, slaves whose bodies have not yet been opened by men. Needless to say, slaves seldom spend a great deal of time in the 'white-silk' category. It is common not to dally in initiating a slave into the realities of her condition....
~ Blood Brothers of Gor, 54:472


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